Key Takeaways from HR Trends Round Table
Kiwi Partners' HR services team, recently led an HR Trends Roundtable with TriNet at First Republic Bank in New York City.

One Year Later: A Remote Work Discussion Continuation
In September, we discussed workforce planning in a post-COVID shift to remote work. At the time of our post, we were approaching the 6-month

Managing International Mobility in Today’s Workforce
The pandemic has ushered in a new era of remote work. Since “working from home” has allowed teams to perform job duties anywhere, some...

Let’s Talk Productivity at Home
I, like most readers of this newsletter, have been working from home for the greater part of the past year. In doing so, I have evolved...

Workforce Planning for a Post-COVID Shift to Remote Work
Starting in April 2020, organizations across the country began transitioning their workforce from in-person to remote or hybrid scenarios...