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The Mission

Nonprofit focused on mental health through empowerment and prevention programming, health

screenings, and policy advocacy.

Business Challenge

  • Different systems were used for benefits administration, payroll, and human resource information

  • Utilization rates were below 50% for most systems

  • Inconsistent time-off and leave processes resulted in errors in payroll processing and financial reports

  • Errors in timesheet management due to poor communication


  • Evaluated and worked with organization to select appropriate Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) considering  cost, amount of oversight needed, and time savings.

  • Established new processes where all information to be accessed and maintained in one system.

  • Selected PEO platform has automated reminders for Time off management, Benefits enrollment /  adjustments, Document storage, and Hourly payroll management.

Customer Success Stories



  • Streamlined communication process with one integrated benefits management system.

  • Automation of time management system allows for employee self service and automatic upload to payroll system.

Cost Savings

  • Costs went down by 27.5% annually by eliminating unnecessary administrative costs.

  • Cost savings reinvested into professional development for the team.

Saved Time

  • Less errors and hours saved for HR administrator previously managing routine employee requests.

  • Automated employee time-off requests results in faster approvals and less paperwork.

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