Key Takeaways from HR Trends Round Table
Diana Gallardo and Solana Cederboim from Kiwi Partners' HR services team, recently led an HR Trends Roundtable with guest speakers from TriNet at First Republic Bank in New York City. They presented HR trends that are currently impacting nonprofit organizations.
Key Takeaways
The Great Reshuffle has put pressure on HR leaders to retain and attract talent. Employee mobility has benefited retention and attraction; however, it has resulted in more complex HR efforts due to multi-state compliance requirements.
Employee burnout and stress are at an all-time high. Organizations have an opportunity to foster a workplace where employees can “bring their whole selves to work,” and share their personal experiences comfortably.
Employees have a greater expectation that employers will take a stance on important issues, including those unrelated the organization's mission. JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) has become the center of the conversation. Employers must be more open to changing their practices and policies and take further action to address inequalities.
HR Tech tools like automated resume screening, auto-triggering of assessments help with recruiting. Employee Recognition Systems help to systematically recognize and reward employees. There’s a rise in interest in PEO (Preferred Employer Organizations) solutions. PEOs can offer an HR technology platform that integrates the performance management process, recruiting applicant tracking system, and workforce analytics.