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Roadmap to Revitalizing Your Employee Wellness Program

In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environments, the significance of regularly reviewing your current wellness program cannot be overstated. Just as organizations evolve, so do the needs and preferences of employees when it comes to their well-being.  According to WellSource the average price per year is $230/employee for an implemented wellness program. Here are several key items to review when looking at your current wellness program.

Review Program Objectives:

o   Are the objectives of the wellness program aligned with the organization's overall goals and mission?

o   Do the objectives address the specific needs and priorities of employees?

Assess Program Participation:

o   What is the current level of employee participation in the wellness program?

o   How does participation compare to previous periods or industry benchmarks?

Evaluate Program Effectiveness:

o   Have the wellness program initiatives achieved their intended outcomes?

o   Are there measurable improvements in employee health, productivity, and morale?

o   Which components of the program have been most effective, and which have been less successful?

Gather Feedback from Employees:

o   Solicit feedback through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one discussions with employees.

o   What do employees perceive as the strengths and weaknesses of the wellness program?

o   Are there specific areas for improvement or new initiatives that employees would like to see?

Assess Program Accessibility and Inclusivity:

o   Is the wellness program accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities or working remotely?

o   Does the program cater to diverse needs, preferences, and interests of employees?

Review Program Resources and Budget:

o   Evaluate the financial resources allocated to the wellness program.

o   Are the resources sufficient to support existing initiatives and desired enhancements?

Examine Program Communication and Promotion:

o   Assess the effectiveness of communication channels used to promote the wellness program.

o   Are employees aware of available wellness initiatives, events, and resources?

o   Is there room for improvement in communication strategies to increase awareness and engagement?

Implement and Monitor Changes:

o   Implement the action plan, making necessary adjustments to the wellness program.

o   Monitor the impact of changes over time and make ongoing refinements as needed.

o   Continuously track key metrics and indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the revised program.


Developing actionable strategies to enhance your organization's wellness program is a pivotal step towards fostering a culture of health, vitality, and productivity among employees. From optimizing program accessibility and inclusivity to refining communication strategies and allocating resources effectively, these actionable steps aim to address key areas for improvement and propel your organization towards greater well-being and success. Below we explore practical solutions and best practices to revitalize your wellness program and empower employees to thrive both personally and professionally.

  1. Offer a gym stipend/wellness reimbursement to staff paid quarterly.  On average organizations are offering $50/month for this added perk. This reimbursement often covers gym memberships, healthy cooking classes, weight loss programs and more.

  2. Promote your Employee Assistance Program.  Many employees are unaware of what their organizations’ EAP providers offers.  This could include access to fitness centers, smoking cessation programs, nutrition counseling, weight management programs, and resources for managing chronic health conditions.

  3. Regularly host sessions that discuss mental health, financial well-being, burn out, and parental care.  Below is a list of some vendors that provide these offerings:

  • LifeDojo: LifeDojo provides behavior change solutions for employee well-being, offering webinars on topics like building resilience, improving sleep, managing stress, and enhancing emotional intelligence.

  • Wellness Workdays: Wellness Workdays provides wellness programs and services for employers, including webinars on topics like nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease prevention. 

  • WebMD Health Services: WebMD Health Services provides employee well-being programs, including webinars on topics like stress management, sleep hygiene, healthy eating, and physical activity.

Revitalizing your wellness program holds the potential to yield multifaceted benefits for your organization. By prioritizing the well-being of your workforce, you not only enhance productivity and engagement but also cultivate a resilient culture that fortifies your team against challenges. Moreover, a robust wellness initiative serves as a cornerstone for retaining existing talent and enticing new recruits, positioning your company for sustained success in a competitive market landscape.

Contact Kiwi Partners to learn how to optimize your employee benefits program.


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