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Exploring the Benefits of a Four-Day Workweek

Kiwi Partners

A casual Google search of “four-day workweek” will return a plethora of articles, stories, and Ted Talks on the subject. The concept of a four-day workweek has gained plenty of attention as a solution to the demands of modern work and life. Traditionally, a five-day work week has been normal in many countries. Providing alternative work schedules, such as compressing hours worked into four days, can lead to a range of benefits outlined below for employees and organizations.

Employee Productivity

One of the main arguments in favor of a four-day workweek is that it can boost employee productivity. By providing an extra day off, employees have more time to rest, recharge, and pursue personal interests. With fewer distractions and a compressed time, employees are often driven to optimize their work hours, leading to heightened productivity during the four days they are on the job.

Work-Life Balance

A four-day work week offers a significant improvement in the work-life balance for employees. It allows them to have an extra day to spend with family, engage in hobbies, pursue further education, or simply relax and unwind. With more balanced lives, employees will likely bring a renewed sense of energy, enthusiasm, and creativity to their work, resulting in a more positive and engaged workforce.

Recruitment and Retention

Companies that implement a four-day workweek often find themselves at a competitive advantage when attracting and retaining top talent. According to, a not-for-profit coalition invested in the transition to reduced working hours, “63% of businesses found it easier to attract and retain talent with a four day week". As work-life balance and flexible working arrangements become increasingly key factors for job seekers, offering a shorter work week can set an organization apart from its competitors. It sends a powerful message that the company values its employees’ well-being and personal lives, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.

Challenges There are challenges to consider when implementing this organizational change. Some of the most common challenges are planning and scheduling, workload management, client expectations, and policy considerations. The transition to a four-day workweek requires planning, open communication, and willingness to adapt.

Some nonprofits are starting to experiment with the four-day work week. According to Council of Nonprofits, "the Montana Nonprofit Association (MNA) began an experiment adopting the four-day work week schedule; the impact reported is impressive":

  • "MNA has retained staff. The team has thrived and grown."

  • "Revenue has increased, while expenses decreased slightly."

  • "Membership is up 30 percent."

  • "Staff are taking fewer sick and vacation days."

In conclusion, the four-day workweek represents a shift that embraces the changing expectations of the modern workforce. Transitioning to a four-day workweek can have several benefits, such as improved work-life balance and increased employee morale. By valuing work-life balance and promoting productivity, this innovative approach holds the potential to revolutionize the way we work.

For customized guidance on flexible work arrangements, contact our HR Services team.


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